Minutes ISF meeting Asperen 21-11-2009

Present Denmark: Carsten Pedersen (Chairman), Birgitte Pedersen, France: Guy Jenny, Annie Pouvesle, Germany: Hartmut Mohr, Peter Brune, Hans Jacobs, Birgitte Jacobs, Luxembourg: Gabrielle Lyhs, the Netherlands: Lies Aalberts, Hans Van Raad (Treasurer), Madelon Rietdijk, Anne-Marie Bos, Norway: Anne-Cathrine Unelsrød (Secretary), Barbro Wear, Vigdis Ingjer, Switzerland: Natasia Bergs, Ruth Knuchel
Absent: Finland, Sweden
Referent: Anne-Cathrine Unelsrød



Time limit Responsible
01 Opening: Lies Aalberts was appointed as moderator of the meeting.
02 PDA research: Hans Jacobs presented a summary from the PDA project. About 20 blood samples are collected. At the clubshow there will also be a possibility to donate blood sample. Hopefully the financing of the project will be in place within the next year Next meeting Hans Jacobs
Genetics: Hans Jacobs also presented some thoughts about the topic genetics and the goal for breeding. Coherence between inbreeding coefficient and number of puppies is in average 6,5 puppies today. The representatives from the Netherlands will look more into this. Next meeting Lies Aalberts
03 Joint publications of inventarisation: The law on the privacy is a problem regarding publicity on the web for the EU countries. Is it possible to make a website only for members with this information? For example one member from each breeding committee? 30.05.2010 Webmaster

Lies Aalberts/ Anne-Cathrine Unelsrød

Studbook: European studbook. The representatives from the Netherlands and Anne-Cathrine Unelsrød (Norway) will look into this
04 Joint inventarisation form: All countries may have the form in their own language as long as it also is in English. At the moment there is not inventarisations in Italy and Luxembourg.
05 Mating and membership: The owner of the bitch must be a member of the Schapendoesclub in their country to be able to use a male from the Netherlands (the rules will be changed to this in March 2010). The breeding committee in the different countries will be responsible to approve of matings.
06 Procedure for education inventarisation judges: Judges that wants to be approved for doing inventarisations can get a list from Lies Aalberts over judges that they can be students for. Paper works from the work shall be sent to Lies Aalberts. It is required to be an authorized judge to do student works for inventarisation.
07 Age limit for inventarisation: All countries can choose their own limits.
08 ESS: ESS will be held in the Netherlands in 2010 (21.11) – 10 years anniversary

In 2011 it will be in Germany, in 2012 in France, in 2013 ?? and in 2014 in Finland.

09 Kidney disease: Anne-Mari Bos informed about the work so far;In the last few years relatively many schapendoes died as a result of a kidney problem. The majority of these dogs was between 6-10years and there was no sex predilection. These dogs were usually presented to the vet with varying symptoms, like a lot of watering, losing weight, dental problems, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle atrophy and so on. On some dogs a renal biopsy and/or a post mortal examination was performed. Pathological findings were then categorised as membranous glomerulopathy.

In the last research, done by mrs. A. van Dongen (Utrecht University) and M. Boterman (student) we tried learn more about the onset and progression of this disease by testing the urine of approximately 200 clinically healthy schapendoes, related and unrelated, for microalbuminuria. About 15 % of these dogs were invited for further examination. Depending of the owner, some of these dogs were treated and some had regular check-ups in the 6-12 months follow-up.

Since the amount of dogs was relatively small further research is required.

10 The ISF website: All countries shall send to the webmaster- Dates for club matches
– The breeding rules
30.03.2010 All
11 ISF collaboration:e-mail should be used more between the meetings. Better with less issues in each mail. All
12 Associated clubs: The Netherlands has contact with Canada. ISF has responded to a mail from USA. Contact info from Italy will be checked out.
13 Selection: Secretary was elected at the meeting. New for 2 years is Anne-Cathrine Unelsrød (Norway)
14 Any other business: Hans van Raad was elected as treasurer.
ISF will set up a project fund for reseach.
Suggestion that every country contributes with 1 € for each member. Each country gives feedback to Carsten Jørgensen and Anne-Cathrine Unelsrød by the end of May. 31.05.2010 All
All countries publish in their clubmagasin and on their website that contributions is welcome. Lottery etc. 31.05.2010 All
The representatives wishes to receive Hans Jacobs powerpoints. Hans Jacobs
Suggestion for next meeting – also having a meeting for all breeders about genetics. Next meeting Lies Aalberts