

Anyone who wants to know more about the Dutch Schapendoes can get free access to the pedigree data of more than 30,000 individual Schapendoezen, regardless of whether you are a member of a participating association.

DSK (Dansk Schapendoes Klub) from Denmark, SKK (Schweizerischer Schapendoes Klub) from Switzerland, IGS (Interessengemeinschaft Schapendoes e.V.) from Germany and VNS (Vereniging de Nederlandse Schapendoes) from the Netherlands have joined forces and created a joint database called DoesData. Later, the breed associations of Norway and Canada also joined this cooperation, and more recently Sweden, Luxembourg breeders, France and the Dutch Schapendoes Club.

DoesData is an international partnership that manages all the data on our breed. The pedigrees of course, photos, inspection reports and health data, but also the history since founder Toepoel. DoesData unites all data coming to us through official channels. There are now more Schapendoezen being bred outside our borders than in the Netherlands, so it is important for every serious breeder to know what is developing where and how. With a reading account, this information is accessible to everyone. One does not have to be a member of one of the participating associations to obtain a reading account.

The working language in Doesdata is English because of its international character. A reading account gives access to all pedigree data, as well as public health data. There are also many photos, inventories, pedigree sheets and inspection reports entered with the Sheepdogs from the early years, such as Pluis, Roetje, Noël Scott, etc. Among other things, you can use a reading account to create a trial combination and calculate its inbreeding coefficient and Mean Kinship. Pedigrees of dogs are displayed in which you can browse further “back in time”, you can request lists of blood relatives (children, grandchildren or all descendants), etc., etc.

There is also the possibility of purchasing a so-called breeder’s account. In a normal (free) reading account, you can only consult information, but not save data. The breeder account additionally allows you to save private notes and attachments (photos, scans, etc.) for each dog in the database. As the search functions also function with these personal notes, you can always retrieve which dog you found so beautiful (or ugly…), for example, or where you noted something else. These data are strictly private. Even DoesData managers cannot see them. If the account in question is terminated, these personal comments are automatically deleted.

The website with more information about DoesData, short guides and tips and tricks for using DoesData:

You can email any questions about DoesData to